November is National Novel Writing Month!

NaNo-2015-Participant-BannerHello, Everyone! I’ve been feeling a little blue as November came around, because I started to write Operation Lockdown: Fellstone Series Book Two a year ago! One year ago last November, I saw the ad for National Novel Writing month, and I decided to give it a try, informally — I didn’t sign up officially. I wanted to see if it was possible. It seemed like a good bet – 2,000 words a day for 30 days is 60K words, just perfect for my target audience. Well, it worked! By the end of Novermber 2014, I had the first draft of Operation Lockdown finished. By the end of January, 2015, I had finished the first editing pass. Then, sadly, life got in the way. We moved three times since then, because of work and other concerns. Three times! It was long and hard, but it helped us get rid of a lot of things we used to have. So, when this November came around, and I realized that a whole year had gone by, and I still haven’t released Operation Lockdown, I got sad. Then I had a great idea! I’d write Book Three this month! That’s right — today was the first day of November, and I laid down 2446 words of Operation Shifting Sands, a brand-new adventure for the BSI gang that takes place in the Great Desert. This time, though, I thought I’d do it officially. So I signed up as an official participant in National Novel Writing Month! Yay!

I’ll take a break in December, then get down to some hard-core editing in January. My goal is to publish all three books as a trilogy in the Spring.

Please wish me well, and tell your friends. I’d like to build a bit of readership by Release Date.

To that end, I’ll send a free PDF copy of Book One, Operation Break Iron, to anyone willing to read it and give an honest review on Amazon.

Late Night Final: 2446 words written today! Yay!