Book Review: Skyward

Author: Brandon Sanderson
5 Stars

At last! A Sci-Fi novel in the spirit of the great Sci-Fi writers! I enjoyed Skyward tremendously. I was reminded of my early days (I’m 68) when I was completely enthralled by the likes of Heinlein, Asimov, and Clarke.

It’s the story of an unusual girl with an unusual dream: to fly amongst the stars, made more unusual by her peers’ desires to stop flying altogether. The main character is well-rounded and well-developed. I was engaged with her from the very start and rooted for her to the very end. Supporting characters were also well-developed—with loves, hates, goals, and back-stories.

Sanderson has an excellent command of the English language—not once did I trip over poor grammar or bad word usage. And maybe something you might think is not important, especially if you don’t read front- and back-matter: Skyward contains the hands-down best Acknowledgments I have ever seen.

Skyward contains no foul language, no sex, and a minimum of science-fiction violence. I recommend heartily it to Young Adults, advanced Middle-grade readers, and adults of all ages.

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